Thursday, November 6, 2008

Slacking off...

Not updating much coz' nothing bizarre happened, (I did attend to a few parties tho', but since I'm such a pig, so forget it)
Not busy busy, but I am busy! (make sense?)
I have assignments to summit! omg.... and I thought I have  grown out of that last-minute-assignment-submission phrase, well... apparently not.
I am still procrastinating, not that I don't enjoy doing my assignments, but anyhoo, will get to it asap!

O yeah, I got a job offer like few weeks ago! (which I accepted!)
Right after my 2nd interview, when I was on my way home, they called and offered me the job!
Not gonna start working till my classes finishes.
Honeymooning now till 17th Nov, woot!

After 4 months of idling, I am finally back to the workforce!
I am so friggin grateful!
I have never been this glad (work related). 
I would never wish for staying in on my cozy bed again when I have to get up early for work (a jinx? coz I get to do that for 4 months straight after wishing that... so no need to get all jealous)

These 4 months really passed me by in a flash.
Which I no complaints because during this period, I went through so many emotions, particularly not memorable ones.

Thank you Lord for your unfailing love, many times when the very-weak-me failed you in many ways, making empty promises, and yet you always watched over me and stood by my side.
My family for being my support system, erasing all my negative vibes.
My friends as my comforter, preventing me from being a social recluse (not going out for a month can do you serious damage!)
Muahxxx! (Lip gloss stain included...)


Chee Yu Li said...

muacks ;)

CottonCandy said...

u scan ur lips? XD

vivienzeru said...

@yu li : awwwww~~~

@cottoncandy : no lah!! wer got so free, lol