Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Data Admin??who in the world would sign up for that??

Hi folks! I am still alive! Woo Hoo!!
Yeah, I know, lame.
First day working as a temp data admin.
It bored me to tears okay! Seriously do people do this for a living??
Filing document, punching holes on papers, keying in invoices & expenses claims?
OMG this gotta be the borrringest job in my life!
Im like brain dead, doing these things robotically.

Previously when I was in advertising, I so wish I don't have to use my brain.
I have to use it 24/7, even when in sleep, I would think of ways to perfect my work or how to get rid of it :D

Now that I don't have to use my 'supergeniusomgwhyamisosmart' brain at all, I felt like a vegetable T.T
Anyways it's all pretty easy actually but why are there so many friggin' numbers??
Gawdddd how I loathe them *yes I almost flunk my Math in SPM & no, not all Chinese excels in Math, or is it only me? T.T)
Numbers everywhere!!! I have to type them one by one and calculate them on the damn calculator!!! OMG!!! (I used a lot of OMG lately eh?)
Anyways as the saying in malay goes,*my BM teacher gonna love me for this* 'pahit sekarang, manis kemudian'.
Direct translation 'Bitter now, sweet later'. Well, it better be sa-weeet!!
On the subject of sweetness, ahem... Miss you Jie Ke!


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