Monday, January 18, 2010

Ranting - 1 of my fav pastime

I know I should be thankful that I am alive, having an awesome family, cute pooches, a job that pays my bills & a seriously wonderful bf.

But seizure has been plaguing me since last year & I cant help but being depressed bout it. As humans always does, you always want to blame, asking the whys & etc right? On Nov adding dosage to my current medication were even more depressing. But after adding the dosage, there's improvement & not a single seizure coming on & I thought I was making good progress. Coming off the medication doesn't seem so far a distant, until i had one yesterday, a petit mal seizure. Totally crushed my self entertained glimpsed of hope resulting on a sleepless night.

Anyhoo, (spelt like that on purpose coz it tones down my seriousness) thinking back of the Haiti tragedy, I can't imagine how it felt for the survivors out there, injured, dehydrated, lost & helpless . I should be thankful for every moment that I am alive & still enjoying life.

But then, I've been saying that for every job I've been into ( so far i've changed 4 full time & been into 1 part time)
I wonder if there is any other job that would ever make me happy & entertained.
Many people stuck in lousy jobs just to pay bills. (I am no different)
Stuck in that same notion everyday. Don't know what they live for.
There's a huge difference between living life and simply existing.
I seriously don't want to spend the rest of my life by simply existing.
I want to live a living life.
Confusing? I thought so.
Not trying to be all Oprah here...

I'm drafting this from office... heh
Ranting done.